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    Submission of Complaints against Judges


    The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Council) has the authority (Article 17 of the Law on the HJPC of BiH) to receive complaints against judges and prosecutors, conduct disciplinary proceedings, determine disciplinary responsibility and impose disciplinary measures on judges, lay judges, additional judges and prosecutors.

    The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel (hereinafter: the Office) performs the duties of a prosecutor (Article 64 of the Law on the Supreme Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in relation to allegations concerning violations of the duties of judges or prosecutors. The Office is responsible for assessing the legal validity of complaints, investigating allegations against judges or prosecutors about violations of duty, and for initiating disciplinary proceedings and representing cases of disciplinary offenses before the Council's disciplinary commissions. The Office initiates investigations on its own initiative or upon a complaint, which can be submitted by any person or institution or organization, and which must be submitted to the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel in written form with evidence supporting the complaint (Article 81 of the HJPC Rules of Procedure). The condition of written form is also fulfilled by sending a complaint by e-mail.

    Complaints against judges or prosecutors should be sent to the following address:

    High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of  BiH
    Office of the Disciplinary Counsel
    Kraljice Jelene 88
    71000 Sarajevo
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Website of the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel: https://udt.pravosudje.ba
    E-mail address for submitting of complaints: vstvprituzbe@pravosudje.ba

    The Complaint form and the Guide for the procedure of submitting complaints against judges and/or prosecutors and legal associates in BiH are available in the link on the right side.

    Also, the example of correctly filled out complaint form is available in the link on the right side.

    For more information visit the website of the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel.

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    Submission of Complaints against Judges


    The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Council) has the authority (Article 17 of the Law on the HJPC of BiH) to receive complaints against judges and prosecutors, conduct disciplinary proceedings, determine disciplinary responsibility and impose disciplinary measures on judges, lay judges, additional judges and prosecutors.

    The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel (hereinafter: the Office) performs the duties of a prosecutor (Article 64 of the Law on the Supreme Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in relation to allegations concerning violations of the duties of judges or prosecutors. The Office is responsible for assessing the legal validity of complaints, investigating allegations against judges or prosecutors about violations of duty, and for initiating disciplinary proceedings and representing cases of disciplinary offenses before the Council's disciplinary commissions. The Office initiates investigations on its own initiative or upon a complaint, which can be submitted by any person or institution or organization, and which must be submitted to the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel in written form with evidence supporting the complaint (Article 81 of the HJPC Rules of Procedure). The condition of written form is also fulfilled by sending a complaint by e-mail.

    Complaints against judges or prosecutors should be sent to the following address:

    High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of  BiH
    Office of the Disciplinary Counsel
    Kraljice Jelene 88
    71000 Sarajevo
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Website of the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel: https://udt.pravosudje.ba
    E-mail address for submitting of complaints: vstvprituzbe@pravosudje.ba

    The Complaint form and the Guide for the procedure of submitting complaints against judges and/or prosecutors and legal associates in BiH are available in the link on the right side.

    Also, the example of correctly filled out complaint form is available in the link on the right side.

    For more information visit the website of the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel.